Friday, February 29, 2008

Chef in the Making!

Spencer is in two tennis tournaments this week and had matches all afternoon today in Provo. While him and my mom were gone Colton was feeling a little bored and didn't have anything to do so I asked him if he wanted to help me make Snickerdoodle cookies. Actually, he ended up making them all by himself! He read the recipe, measured everything, used the mixer, and rolled the dough in the cinnamon without any help. All I did was get them out of the oven! It was so fun watching him figure it out! He was pretty proud of himself, wasn't bored anymore, and had a treat to enjoy! Tyler was pretty happy too!


T is for Teresa said...

Great post Callie! Tell Colton that I said making cookies was and is a favorite boredom beater for Nic. He learned about at Colton's age and now he makes KILLER cookies, he just did last Wednesday...yum!

stacy h. said...

impressive colton! i NEVER make cookies, they don't turn out when i do. maybe i will have him teach me! fun to see you for a little bit last night.