Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

We had such a great Christmas this year! It's always so much fun to go over to Grandma and Grandpa's on Christmas Eve. It's something we definitely look forward to every year! There have been plenty of posts about it so I don't think we need to remind everyone how fun it was! We got to see cute Avery and give her a little present! She even gave us one too! (We love the perfume! You have good taste Avery!) We love getting to watch her and we are so grateful to Jodee for trusting us and letting us come hang out with her! We always look forward to it so much!

After we get home from Grandma and Grandpa's we get new pajamas (that the elfs left for us while we were gone:) and my mom takes pictures in front of the tree.
Christmas morning was so fun! We are lucky to have the little boys around becaue it is so fun to see how excited they get! I got a new laptop which I was so excited about! It will be so nice to have for school! Ashley got a new camera and an ipod touch. Colton was so excited to give my mom a cutting board that he made for her at scouts. It was so cute! Our family gift was Rock Band. The boys have had SO much fun playing it over the break! It's funny because each of them has their instrument that they're good at. Tyler likes the guitar, Spencer is good at the drums, and Colton is the only one in our family that isn't tone deaf so he is the designated singer and he's great at it!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Winter Break!

K so we have been promising everyone we would post on our blog. I promise we will get better at it! Maybe I should make it one of my New Year's resolutions or something! We had such a nice break from school and got to spend so much time with our family which was so nice! Ashley and I got to go over to Dantley's grandparents' house to decorate gingerbread houses with his family. We had so much fun and it was so nice of them to include us in their family tradition!

The boys had a great time playing in the snow and building snow forts! Sophie joined in with the snow fun too! She wasn't too happy about the boots though! That was more for our entertainment!
Every year around Christmas we always do a family activity. This year we decided to go to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and then come home and decorate gingerbread houses. (Ashley and I kind of had gingerbread house decorating overload! Apparently it was the year of the gingerbread houses!) We had so much fun with the boys! They loved it and were so proud of them when they were all done.