Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What a Stud!!

Since we know that Spencer probably won't be posting this on his blog, we decided to do it for him! I hope he doesn't kill us :) On Saturday Spencer went to Junior Prom. Him and his friends all rented tuxes and of course Spencer had to get the one with the purple vest and coat tails! He was looking sharp and it was fun to see him all dressed up! They went to the Salt Lake Country Club for a nice dinner and then over to the dance at Holladay City Hall. After the dance they went to a place called Missy Marlow's, which is just a big gymnastics gym with all sorts of foam pits and pads and ropes and things like that. He went with a great group of friends and had a great time!


T is for Teresa said...

what a great brother you ladies have! FUN to see the boy all dressed up! love this you! T

stacy h. said...

oh, spence looks so cute!! ha ha, i mean handsome!